
The Jetpack Controller class inherits from ControllerBase and is registered with the Application upon server start.



from jetfactory.controller import ControllerBase

class Controller(ControllerBase):
    async def on_ready(self):
        self.log.debug(f'Controller ready at path: {self.pkg.path}')

    async def on_request(self, request):
        self.log.debug(f'Request received: {request}')


Having a Controller without Route handlers is not of much use; continue reading to see how handlers can be added.


Routing is implemented using one or more handlers decorated with a @route. Used without the @input_load decorator, the entire request object is passed to the handler.



from sanic.response import HTTPResponse
from jetfactory.controller import ControllerBase, route

class Controller(ControllerBase):
    async def on_request(self, request):
        self.log.debug(f'Request received: {request}')

    @route('/<name>', 'GET'):
    async def greet(self, request, name):
        return HTTPResponse({'msg': f'hello {name} from {request.ip}')


Request and response transformation is performed when a request reaches @input_load, and upon handler return in @output_dump. These two decorators provides a declarative way of defining what comes in and what goes out of a route handler.


Example of request/response transformation

from jetfactory.controller import ControllerBase, route
from jetfactory.schema import ParamsSchema
from .visit import svc_visit
from .visit.schemas import Visit

class Controller(ControllerBase):
    async def on_request(self, request):
        self.log.debug(f'Request received: {request}')

    @route('/', 'GET')
    @input_load(query=ParamsSchema)  # Transform and validate the query string
    @output_dump(Visit, many=True)  # Dump many `Visit`s
    async def visits_get(self, query):
        # Call the service layer and dump the result as a JSON string
        return await svc_visit.get_many(**query)

    @route('/<visit_id>', 'PUT')  # Perform an update operation
    @input_load(body=Visit)  # Transform and validate the JSON payload
    @output_dump(Visit)  # Dump one `Visit`
    async def visit_update(self, remote_addr, body, visit_id):
        # Call the service layer and dump the result as a JSON string
        return await svc_visit.visit_update(remote_addr, visit_id, body)


Schemas are used in transformation decorators to perform object serialization and generating HTTP API documentation.


Not familiar with Marshmallow schemas? Check out the Marshmallow API docs for info.


from jetfactory.schema import fields, Schema

class Visit(Schema):
    id = fields.Integer()
    visited_on = fields.String(attribute='created_on')
    message = fields.String()
    name = fields.String()

    class Meta:
        dump_only = ['id', 'visited_on']
        load_only = ['visit_id', 'visitor_id']

class VisitNew(Schema):
    message = fields.String(required=True)
    name = fields.String(required=True)