Source code for jetfactory.controller.decorators

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from enum import Enum
from functools import wraps

import ujson
from sanic.request import Request
from sanic.response import HTTPResponse

from jetfactory.registry import RouteRegistry

class Method(Enum):
    GET = 'GET'
    POST = 'POST'
    PUT = 'PUT'
    HEAD = 'HEAD'

def _schema_prepare(schema_cls, **kwargs):
    """Makes schema ready for use with Jetfactory

    1) Takes a schema class
    2) Creates `Meta` subclass if not set
    3) Sets `ujson` render_module

    :param schema_cls: Marshmallow.Schema class
    :param kwargs: Kwargs to pass along to Marshmallow.Schema constructor
    :return: instance of `schema_cls`

    schema = schema_cls(**kwargs)
    from marshmallow.schema import SchemaMeta
    if not hasattr(schema, 'Meta'):
        schema.Meta = type('Meta', (SchemaMeta,), {})

    m = schema.Meta
    m.render_module = ujson

    if not hasattr(m, 'load_only'):
        m.load_only = []
    if not hasattr(m, 'dump_only'):
        m.dump_only = []

    return schema

[docs]def output_dump(schema_cls, status=200, many=False): """Returns a transformed and serialized HTTPResponse :param schema_cls: Marshmallow.Schema class :param status: Return status (on success) :param many: Whether to return a list or single object :return: HTTPResponse """ schema = _schema_prepare(schema_cls, many=many) def wrapper(fn): @wraps(fn) async def handler(*args, **kwargs): args_new = list(args) # Remove `Request` object from args (in case it wasn't consumed by `input_local`). if len(args) > 1 and isinstance(args[1], Request): args_new.pop(1) rv = await fn(*args_new, **kwargs) # Return HTTP encoded JSON response return HTTPResponse( body=schema.dumps(rv, indent=4), status=status, content_type='application/json' ) stack = RouteRegistry.get_stack(handler) # Add the `response` schema to this route handler's stack stack.schemas.update({'response': schema}) return handler return wrapper
[docs]def input_load(**schemas): """Takes a list of schemas used to validate and transform parts of a request object. The selected parts are injected into the route handler as arguments. :param schemas: list of schemas (kwargs) :return: Route handler """ schemas = {k: _schema_prepare(v) for k, v in schemas.items()} def wrapper(fn): @wraps(fn) async def handler(*args, **kwargs): args_new = list(args) request = kwargs['request'] if 'request' in kwargs else args_new.pop(1) if 'body' in schemas: kwargs.update({'body': schemas['body'].load(request.json)}) if 'query' in schemas: kwargs.update({'query': schemas['query'].load(request.args)}) return await fn(*args_new, **kwargs) stack = RouteRegistry.get_stack(handler) # Add the provided schemas to the RouteStack stack.schemas.update(schemas) return handler return wrapper
[docs]def route(path, method, description=None, inject=None): """Prepares route registration, and performs handler injection. :param path: Handler path, relative to application and package paths :param method: HTTP Method :param inject: List of `Injector` injections :param description: Endpoint description :return: Route handler """ injections = inject or [] if isinstance(method, str): method = Method(method.upper()).value def wrapper(fn): @wraps(fn) async def handler(*inner_args, **inner_kwargs): request = inner_args[1] args_new = list(inner_args) # Handle injections and inject as kwargs. for injection in injections: if callable(injection.value): func = injection.value value = func(request) elif == 'request': # Full request injection, remove duplicate. value = args_new.pop(1) else: raise Exception('Unknown injection') inner_kwargs.update({ value}) return await fn(*args_new, **inner_kwargs) stack = RouteRegistry.get_stack(handler) # Adds the handler for registration once the loop is ready. stack.add_route(handler, path, method, description) return handler return wrapper